What is Jadelle?
Jadelle is an implant that looks like two small plastic rods that sit in your upper arm.
These rods slowly release a hormone (levonorgestrel) throughout your body over 5 years. This hormone stops you from getting pregnant in multiple ways: by thickening cervical mucus, stopping an embryo from implanting and, in some women, by stopping ovulation.
The jadelle is a great form of birth control because it is: very effective, long-lasting, and easily reversible - if you decide you want a pregnancy just get it removed!
The risk of pregnancy is less than 1 per 100 women with typical and perfect use.

does this mean?
Doctors discuss the
effectiveness of contraception
by "perfect" and "typical" use.
This is because some methods are affected by human error:
Perfect use:
The method is used perfectly
(no human error)
Typical use:
Accounts for human
error (e.g. forgetting
a pill)
How good?
One of the best methods of birth control
>99% effective at preventing pregnancy with typical and perfect use
How easy?
"Fit and forget" - insert the device, then you don't need to think about it for years!
Side effects?
Irregular bleeding
How hard to get?
Appointment with your GP or Family Planning
How much?
Prescription cost ($5) + insertion ($50 at Family Planning; higher with GP)
That's $1 per year​ for birth control (+ insertion)
How does it work?
The implant (jadelle) releases a hormone that has multiple effects to stop pregnancies.
They can work threefold:
Thin the lining of the womb (so the embryo can't implant)
Thicken cervical mucus (so sperm can't get into the womb)
Stop ovulation in some women

how long does it last?
5 years
why would it suit me?
The implant can be particularly helpful if:
You want something long-lasting
You have heavy or painful periods
You forget to take pills/use condoms
Post-partum and wanting long term cover straight away
Fit and forget
Lasts 5 years
Easy to use
Hidden (you will know it is there, but partners are none-the-wiser)
Suitable after having a baby (post-partum) and while breastfeeding
At the time of insertion
Pain, infection, bleeding/bruising
Spotting/irregular bleeding (there are things we can do for this)
Loss of a rod (unable to feel on a routine check) - just needs a scan to find it
Can have difficult extraction (as scar tissue builds up around the rods over the 5 years) - most are uncomplicated.
Migration of rod (rare)
what next?
You will need to book an appointment with your GP or Family Planning to ensure Jadelle is the correct birth control method for you.
Once confirmed, you can proceed to have the Jadelle inserted by a trained professional.
In the future...
luna health hope to provide a birth control service that assesses eligibility for each birth control method.
This will save you time and money
Share your experience
help others decide what is best for them
your experience

Anon, 28
I got the Jadelle as an 18-year-old as I liked the idea of "fit-and-forget". After it was put in I became extremely anxious and had it taken out within a week (much to Family Planning's disapproval).
At the time I blamed the Jadelle, but now I look back it was probably all the other things going on in my life that caused the changes in my mood e.g. starting university, starting a new job etc. I still think it's an awesome form of contraception, just not for me.

Ti, 32
In my late 20's I went travelling for an extended period of time and decided to have the Jadelle placed so I didn't have to remember to take the pill. Sadly, it was not for me. I spotted consistently for months and had to take the OCP (combined oral contraceptive pill) on top of my Jadelle in an attempt to 're-set' it. It didn't work so I had it removed but that's ok - it just wasn't right for me. I am now happily back on the pill. It just goes to show that everyone is different and what works for some does not for others.